Terms of Booking

Prices may change up to the time of booking, depending on the room availability.
Advance payment is required to confirm booking.
Advance payment can be made through a bank account.
Various bank bookings or commissions are charged by the client.
The customer is entitled to fifty percent of the advance payment made if he / she cancels twenty-five days prior to arrival.

Hours of arrival and departure

The day of arrival is calculated in full for rent, regardless of the time of arrival. The day of departure is not counted, but the client is required to vacate the room by 11 in the morning. Staying beyond this time until the 18th hour obliges the client to pay half the rent. Staying beyond the 18th hour, obliges the client to pay the full rent of one day. 

Security Issues

Upon arrival at the hotel, the client must protect valuable or important items as well as the money he or she has with him / her.  The apartment’s manager will not be held responsible under any circumstance for any loss of the customer’s personal & valuable items. For other items brought to the hotel by the customer, the manager is excluded from any liability if the damage or loss is due to the negligence of the customer or persons accompanying him, visiting him or being at his service. Additionally, the apartment’s manager is not responsible for any damage or loss to the customer’s personal or valuable items, due to force majeure (earthquake, fire etc.)